Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Here are the pictures I promised from our Graduation May 13th. Solomon graduated with his Master's of Homeland Security in Information Technology as well as his Master's degree in Business Administration. I graduated with a Master's of International Management in Marketing.

 Us with my parents.

Us with our Moms since it was the day before Mother's Day!

Walking across the stage at the U of MD Comcast Center together!

I am so happy to be done with school and looking forward to the next chapter in our lives, whatever that may hold for us!

Monday, May 7, 2012

It's About Time...

    So let's pretend I haven't been neglecting the blog for a almost a year now. I mean, let's face it, no one probably noticed anyway but I'm going to add an excuse here to make myself feel better. I didn't have much time or at least any time that I was willing to sacrifice from other areas of life to spend blogging. There it is, a lame excuse but moving on...
    While I have been absent a lot has changed but the most important change that will help me to have more time for life, family, and friends is that Solomon and I (finally) completed our Master's degrees. One was not enough for my overachieving husband so he has two! He now has a Master's of Homeland Security in Information Technology as well as his MBA. Let's just say I admire him a little. That would be an understatement. I admire and respect him a lot, after all he completed a Master's and an MBA (with honors) in the same amount of time I managed to finish one Master's. :p
    Anyways, we are flying to Maryland this week to go to our graduation in College Park, MD. I will share some photos in my next post. Yes that's right, my next post that I will be making with all my new found time post grad school! Here are a few things I am looking forward to filling my time with:
  • Nothing 
  • More Jesus 
  • Doing anything or absolutely nothing WITH my husband 
  • Traveling to see family & family Skype time 
  • My friends who I have so terribly neglected (if they will take me back) 
  • Friend Skype time (lookout if you haven't heard from me I will be stalking you soon) 
  • Workouts to help remove the "grad school 15" 
  • Blogging 
  • Music
  • Reading (for fun) 
  • Craft projects (thank you Pinterest) 
  • Yard projects 
  • Sunning by the pool 
    These are just what I could think of off the top of my head. There will be more and you can read about them here... Well, I will post about them here, it is doubtful many will actually read it. But it will be here none the less! Look out blog world I'm back :)