So let's pretend I haven't been neglecting the blog for a almost a year now. I mean, let's face it, no one probably noticed anyway but I'm going to add an excuse here to make myself feel better. I didn't have much time or at least any time that I was willing to sacrifice from other areas of life to spend blogging. There it is, a lame excuse but moving on...
While I have been absent a lot has changed but the most important change that will help me to have more time for life, family, and friends is that Solomon and I (finally) completed our Master's degrees. One was not enough for my overachieving husband so he has two! He now has a Master's of Homeland Security in Information Technology as well as his MBA. Let's just say I admire him a little. That would be an understatement. I admire and respect him a lot, after all he completed a Master's and an MBA (with honors) in the same amount of time I managed to finish one Master's. :p
Anyways, we are flying to Maryland this week to go to our graduation in College Park, MD. I will share some photos in my next post. Yes that's right, my next post that I will be making with all my new found time post grad school!
Here are a few things I am looking forward to filling my time with:
- Nothing
- More Jesus
- Doing anything or absolutely nothing WITH my husband
- Traveling to see family & family Skype time
- My friends who I have so terribly neglected (if they will take me back)
- Friend Skype time (lookout if you haven't heard from me I will be stalking you soon)
- Workouts to help remove the "grad school 15"
- Blogging
- Music
- Reading (for fun)
- Craft projects (thank you Pinterest)
- Yard projects
- Sunning by the pool
These are just what I could think of off the top of my head. There will be more and you can read about them here... Well, I will post about them here, it is doubtful many will actually read it. But it will be here none the less! Look out blog world I'm back :)